Dr Maran – Springfield Wellness Centre | Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Centre in Chennai

How good is Bariatric Surgery for Thyroid problems?

We all know that obesity is directly responsible for causing almost 40 odd diseases. They are termed comorbidity. Researches and experience have proved that Bariatric surgery either cures or reduces the effect of those 40-odd diseases very significantly. What about thyroid problems?

Thyroid Problems caused due to Overweight or Obesity

It has been proved that incidences of thyroid disorders, which mainly include thyroid dysfunctions and autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITDs), are increasing due to overweight or obesity factors. Thyroid dysfunctions include hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. AITD is one of the most common autoimmune diseases that are characterized by antibodies produced by the body working against thyroid antigens, like TSH. It is a known fact that obesity is associated with changes in hormones including thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones and is accompanied by several endocrine and metabolic diseases. It is also a well-known fact that hypothyroidism may induce obesity. So in effect, the relationship between obesity and thyroid disease is two-directional and it is hence a vicious cycle. So simply put, the relation between thyroid problems caused due to overweight or obesity is not an exaggerated fact. It has substance in it.

Is Bariatric Surgery a Solution for Thyroid Problems?

For thyroid problems present there is no complete answer but bariatric surgery has caused reduced thyroid problems and that has been proven time and again in many studies.

After bariatric surgery, the T3, T4, and TSH tests were conducted on patients who were obese and also had thyroid problems. The test results have shown that there was a marked improvement in the thyroid health status. There is definitely a favorable effect of bariatric surgery on the hypothyroid condition of people who have undergone the surgery. The favorable effect includes improvement of thyroid function and reduction of thyroid medication dosages. So bariatric surgery can be safely assumed to control thyroid diseases effectively, if not fully cure them.

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