We have already written that when the innermost lining of the stomach, the mucosa layer, develops cancer, it is termed Adenocarcinoma. This type is the predominant type among the various stomach cancer types. It is almost 90%-95%. Let us dive into this type of stomach cancer and understand it briefly.
What is Adenocarcinoma?
It is any type of cancer that commences in mucus-producing glandular cells in our body. It may be noted that the stomach lining is not the only mucus-producing gland in our body. Organs like the breast (in the case of women), colorectum, lung, pancreas, prostate (in case of men), are all mucus-producing and hence Adenocarcinoma or this type of cancer can affect any of these organs. So when the mucus-producing stomach lining develops cancer, it is rightly called Adenocarcinoma of the stomach.
Causes of Adenocarcinoma of the Stomach and how do they develop?
There are many causes like intake of carcinogenic food products, intake of a diet low in nutrition and fiber, obesity, family history, infection of H.pylori, smoking, etc., that can play as a risk factor to causing this type of cancer.
Cancer in the stomach begins when the cells undergo changes in their DNA. The DNA contains instructions to the cell on how to behave. When they turn cancer, or when they undergo change to the DNA, they contain instructions that tell them to grow quickly and continue living while the healthy cells of the stomach lining die. These cancer cells over a period of time become invasive and begin destroying healthy living cells.
Cancer in the lining of the stomach’s mucosal layer develops slowly and it may take many years to develop. The mucous lining of cancer undergoes pre-cancerous changes initially. When doing so, they, unfortunately, do not give any symptoms most of the time. For this reason, most Adenocarcinoma of the stomach can go undetected for years. That is why the mortality rate of people with this type of stomach cancer is particularly high.
How to prevent Adenocarcinoma of the Stomach?
- Ask yourself if you have a family history of stomach cancer or any cancer types for that matter. If cancer runs in your family, your risk percentage of getting cancer is high. If you are above 40, get an endoscopy done periodically. This is a gold standard procedure that can detect cancer.
- Choose a healthy diet. Keep your diet nutritious and fibrous. Include more fruits and veggies in your diet on a daily basis. Include millets in your diet. They are high in fiber and some essential nutrients.
- Reduce the intake of junk foods, salted foods, smoked foods, sweetened beverages and processed foods, deep-fried food items, particularly repeatedly deep-fried items, grilled and barbecued items. As a matter of fact, it is better to totally avoid them.
- Check your weight. Maintain a healthy BMI. If you are obese try to reduce your weight. Make exercising a part of your daily routine. If you are healthy and young, start with aerobic exercises.
- Quit Smoking. This is one habit that increases the risks of many types of cancers which include stomach cancer too.