Dr Maran – Springfield Wellness Centre | Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Centre in Chennai

Points to plan when you are undergoing a Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgeries are never done as emergency procedures. All bariatric surgeries are purely elective procedures. Elective surgeries are surgeries that are scheduled in advance because it does not involve any medical emergencies. Since these procedures are scheduled in advance, it gives patients time to prepare for the surgery. During this preparation period, you will be asked to make some lifestyle changes prior to the surgery. Both physical and mental wellbeing is required for bariatric surgery. In this blog, we are going to discuss a few points which can help you plan for bariatric surgery.

6 Points to plan when you are undergoing a Bariatric Surgery

Get informed about your Bariatric Procedure

There are different types of bariatric surgeries to suit different people and different weight loss goals. Your bariatric surgeon would recommend the one that is best suited for you. Usually, your bariatric surgeon would counsel you about your bariatric surgery. It is recommended to get as much information about your procedure and the lifestyle changes you may have to adopt after the surgery. Getting as much information about the procedure can make you less anxious and reduces stress.

Discontinue the use of tobacco and nicotine-containing products

Using tobacco and nicotine-containing products increases the risk of post-surgical complications. So it is a norm that all patients should abstain from tobacco and nicotine products for at least 3-6 months prior to the surgery.

Modify your diet

Try to organize your meals as 3 regular meals and 2 small snacks per day. Always ensure to eat 4 hours prior to bedtime. Consume protein-rich foods and fresh fruits and vegetables while gradually reducing the amount of sugar and fat you consume. Avoid eating from fast-food chains and restaurants often. Home-cooked food is always preferable due to the control in calorie intake they offer. These dietary changes help you easily transition into your post-surgical diet without much trouble.

Incorporate light exercises in your daily routine

Try to incorporate light exercises that fit your ability in your daily routine. Short walks and chair exercises, stretching exercises can make a lot of difference. Try to focus on the frequency of the exercises rather than the intensity of the exercise.

Consume more water while restricting all other beverages

Drink as much water as your body requires by following your body’s thirst signals. Avoid drinking other beverages as much as possible. Beverages such as alcohol, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and coffee add calories to your body and hence need to be avoided at all costs.

Avoid gaining additional weight before the Bariatric procedure

It is very important that you do not gain weight before the procedure. Most people tend to overeat due to anxiety before the surgery which can cause weight gain. Some people experience the ‘last supper syndrome’. Patients feel that it is okay to gain weight before the surgery since they are anyway going to lose weight after the surgery. Weight gain before the procedure can have tremendous effects on the outcome of the surgery. It can cause more complications and requires prolonged anesthesia too. It is also quite possible that the bariatric surgeon may postpone your surgery if your weight gain is significant.

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