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ஹெர்னியா என்றால் என்ன? ஹெர்னியா எப்படி நிகழ்கிறது?

ஹெர்னியா என்றால் என்னவென்று விளக்கம் கூறுவதற்கு முன், நம் மக்கள் இந்த குறைப்பாட்டை “ஹிரண்யா” என்று தவறாக சொல்லுவதை அதிகமாகவே காணலாம். முதலில் இந்த குறைப்பாட்டை “ஹிரண்யா” என்றில்லாமல், “ஹெர்னியா” என்றே கூறவேண்டும் என்பதிலிருந்து தொடங்குவோம்.

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7 precautions to take if you have abdominal hernia

7 Precautions to take if you have Abdominal Hernia

In simple terms, Abdominal Hernias are protrusions of either intestine or fatty mass outside the abdominal wall breaching the thin muscle that holds them. If you have been diagnosed with any one of the six common Abdominal Hernias, namely, Inguinal, Femoral, Umbilical, Epigastric, Hiatal and Incisional Hernias, you need to keep in mind the following precautions.

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are there different types of hernia

Are there different types of Hernia?

Yes, there are different types of Hernia. A hernia can occur in the abdominal walls, brain, spine, and chest cavity. However, the Hernia occurring in the abdominal walls is the most common and we can presume that it can be over 95%. The Hernia occurring in the abdominal wall can be classified based on where in the abdominal region the Hernia has occurred. There are many types of a hernia, which the common 6 types are Inguinal, Femoral, Umbilical, Epigastric, Hiatal and Incisional Hernias.

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Can women get pregnant after weight loss surgery

Can women get pregnant after weight loss surgery?

Can women get pregnant after weight loss surgery?

Yes that is the wonderful effect of weight loss surgeries. An obese woman may experience a renewed and a rejuvenated fertility after having her bariatric surgery. Over 70% of obese woman got back to their normal menstrual cycle after their bariatric surgery. The other positive signs on the woman’s sexuality are sex hormones getting normalized and the near disappearance of polycystic ovarian syndrome, popularly called PCOS.

These are the 4 points a woman who wants to get pregnant after having a successful weight loss surgery should keep in mind.

  • Not immediately – Though you are feeling good now with rejuvenation in your sex hormones and the near normalization of your menstrual cycle do not get pregnant immediately. It is recommended that you get pregnant only after a minimum of 18 months after the surgery is over. A two year wait should be idea.
  • Nutrition to your baby – This is the very reason for the wait. Your body is rapidly undergoing weight loss and is coping to stabilize. Pregnancy puts the body into newer challenges and hence it is not recommended. Also because of the fact that the body is undergoing a rapid weight loss, essential nutrients cannot be delivered to the baby in the womb and this might lead to complications.
  • Gestational Diabetes – The possibility of having gestational diabetes is great and hence you may have to look out for this. You have to definitely keep your gynecologist posted about your weight loss surgery and similarly you need to communicate to your bariatric surgeon about your pregnancy. So in this way, both can offer you help during your pregnancy and can closely monitor the health of the baby and yourself.
  • Delivery of the baby – The good part of the bariatric surgery is most of the time you can expect normal delivery but since chances of caesarean delivery is also a possibility, you have to prepare for it too.
Difference between obesity and morbid obesity

Difference between Obesity and Morbid Obesity

By definition obesity is having a BMI of more than 30 An individual with a BMI of more than 40 is termed morbidly obese. Clinically morbidly obese can be classified as “Very Severely Obese”. The reason severe obesity is called morbidly obese is the risk of obesity-related health conditions they might be affected with.

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Psychological Consequences of being an obese woman

Psychological Consequences of being an Obese Woman

Being obese in it carries a lot of psychological consequences. Being a woman who is obese adds to the psychological burden. My experience as a bariatric surgeon interacting with a cross-section of women who were obese and were looking for a surgical cure makes me compile the psychological burden they undergo.

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vitamin supplementation after bariatric surgery

Vitamin Supplementation After Bariatric Surgery

Vitamins are essential for normal functioning of our body. Along the vitamins, minerals are also required in the right amount for the body to perform its essential functions and immunity. Not only that, it has been found that right amount of vitamins and minerals also aid in such essential functions like hunger, nutrient absorption, metabolism of sugar and fat, energy storage etc. It must be emphasized that all these functions have direct implications on your obesity level.

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