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12 Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Hemorrhoids from Recurring

For individuals who have felt the misery and pain of hemorrhoids, preventing its recurrence is a top goal. Fortunately, there are a few lifestyle modifications you may do to avoid this widespread problem. In this post, we’ll look at 12 practical ways to prevent hemorrhoids from recurring.

Maintain a High-Fiber Diet

When it comes to preventing hemorrhoids, fiber is undoubtedly your best friend. It maintains gentle and regular bowel movements, decreasing the need for straining during defecation.

Stay Hydrated

Adequate water aids your high-fiber diet by softening and making stool easier to pass.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity increases bowel function and improves circulation, which in turn aids in the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Avoid Prolonged Sitting

Sitting for long periods of time might put strain on the rectal veins. Take breaks and walk about throughout the day.

Don’t Delay Bowel Movements

Ignoring the urge to urinate can lead to constipation, which is also one of the common cause of hemorrhoids.

Practice Good Anal Hygiene

After bowel movements, gentle washing can help to reduce irritation and pain.

Lift Properly

To avoid straining, employ proper lifting techniques if your profession or lifestyle requires heavy lifting.

Manage Your Weight

Excess weight causes severe strain to your lower half, particularly your rectal area. Maintaining a healthy weight can help to alleviate this stress.

Avoid Straining

Straining, whether during bowel movements or while carrying heavy objects, might raise the chance of developing hemorrhoids.

Choose Loose, Breathable Clothing

Tight clothing might limit blood flow in the anal area, so choose fabrics that are loose and breathable.

Manage Diarrhea Effectively

When it comes to hemorrhoids, diarrhea can be just as troublesome as constipation. To avoid irritation, make sure you’re handling this condition properly. Consult your doctor if you think your diarrhea is out of control or when you need support.

Consider Over-the-Counter Options

Over-the-counter medications, such as lotions and wipes, can provide relief and prevent hemorrhoids. Always consult your doctor if you are using any internal medicines.

Adopting a few lifestyle modifications can often prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids. These steps, ranging from dietary changes to regular exercise and adequate anal hygiene, can dramatically minimize your likelihood of getting hemorrhoids again. If you suffer recurring hemorrhoids, it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor for personalized advice and treatment choices. You can enhance long-term rectal health and reduce the discomfort associated with this common illness by adopting these steps.

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