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ஹெர்னியாவில் பல விதங்கள் உள்ளனவா?

ஆம். ஹெர்னியாவில் பல விதங்கள் இருக்கின்றன. உள்வயிற்றுப் பகுதியில் உள்ள தசைகள், மூளை, முதுகுத்தண்டு, உள் மார்பு துவாரம் போன்ற பகுதிகளில் ஹெர்னியா என்று கூறப்படும் குறைபாடு ஏற்படலாம். அதனால் ஹெர்னியாவை பொத்தாம் பொதுவாக “குடலிறக்க நோய்” என்று கூறுவது அபத்தம் என்பதை அறியலாம். அப்படியென்றால் ஹெர்னியாவுக்கு தமிழில் என்ன சொல்லலாம்? “பிக்கம்”, “பிதுக்கம்” என்று சொல்லை தமிழ் அகராதி குறிக்கிறது. பொதுவாக எல்லோருக்கும் ஹெர்னியா என்றாலே தெரியும்.

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Dr Maran says Inguinal hernia surgery does not affect male fertility. He regularly performs hernia surgery in Chennai.

Does Inguinal Hernia Surgery affect male fertility

Many types of hernia affect both men and women. Does hernia cause infertility in men and women? There are few websites and literature that answer, can hernia causes infertility. Since a hernia here occurs closer to the testicles, there is a perception that an inguinal hernia surgery affects male fertility. There are two things to look at. Does the inguinal hernia surgery cause problem in sexual dysfunction? In other words, does the inguinal hernia surgery cause problems in sex?

Even if there was no problem in sexual dysfunction, does an inguinal hernia surgery cause male infertility? Or simply put Does Hernia Surgery affect fertility? While this is one question that lingers in people’s mind, there is another basic question too. It is, “Does the very presence of an inguinal hernia affect male infertility and impact men’s ability to fertilize and produce a baby?”Then the next question is “Can a hernia affect female fertility?” And what about other abdominal hernia types? Let us explore.

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Yoga and its effect on Hernia

There are many websites that boast that Yoga can offer a cure to Hernia. But if you carefully watch those websites, they are mostly websites that promote Yoga. You can hardly find neutral websites that post the success of Yoga in curing Hernia. Does that mean Yoga is ineffective in curing Hernia? In other words, can Yoga cure hernia?

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ஹெர்னியா என்றால் என்ன? ஹெர்னியா எப்படி நிகழ்கிறது?

ஹெர்னியா என்றால் என்னவென்று விளக்கம் கூறுவதற்கு முன், நம் மக்கள் இந்த குறைப்பாட்டை “ஹிரண்யா” என்று தவறாக சொல்லுவதை அதிகமாகவே காணலாம். முதலில் இந்த குறைப்பாட்டை “ஹிரண்யா” என்றில்லாமல், “ஹெர்னியா” என்றே கூறவேண்டும் என்பதிலிருந்து தொடங்குவோம்.

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7 precautions to take if you have abdominal hernia

7 Precautions to take if you have Abdominal Hernia

In simple terms, Abdominal Hernias are protrusions of either intestine or fatty mass outside the abdominal wall breaching the thin muscle that holds them. If you have been diagnosed with any one of the six common Abdominal Hernias, namely, Inguinal, Femoral, Umbilical, Epigastric, Hiatal and Incisional Hernias, you need to keep in mind the following precautions.

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are there different types of hernia

Are there different types of Hernia?

Yes, there are different types of Hernia. A hernia can occur in the abdominal walls, brain, spine, and chest cavity. However, the Hernia occurring in the abdominal walls is the most common and we can presume that it can be over 95%. The Hernia occurring in the abdominal wall can be classified based on where in the abdominal region the Hernia has occurred. There are many types of a hernia, which the common 6 types are Inguinal, Femoral, Umbilical, Epigastric, Hiatal and Incisional Hernias.

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