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A brief on the unusual contents of inguinal hernia

Surgery for Hernia is one of the commonly done surgeries. The hernia sac (of the Inguinal type) usually presents itself with omentum, a layer of peritoneum that surrounds the internal abdominal organs, fat, and parts of small intestine. Sometimes they can also contain other contents that are unusual albeit in a smaller percentage.

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The Link between female hormone and gallstones

Generally, women are almost five times more prone to gallstone formation. Estrogen, the primary female sex hormone regulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics in females, they regulate the menstrual cycle and stimulate the thickening of the uterine lining. Are they responsible for triggering gallstone formation?

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குடல்வால் அறுவை சிகிச்சை என்றால் என்ன?

அப்பெண்டிக்ஸ் என்று சொல்லப்படும் குடல்வால் பகுதியில் தொற்று ஏற்பட்டாலோ, அதில் வீக்கம் ஏற்பட்டாலோ (அழற்சி), குடல்வாலை முழுமையாக அகற்றிவிடுவதே குடல்வால் அகற்று அறுவை சிகிச்சை ஆகும். இந்த அறுவை சிகிச்சை முறையை அப்பென்டக்டமி (Appendectomy) என்று மருத்துவத்தில் அழைக்கிறார்கள். இந்த அறுவை சிகிச்சை முறையும், லேபரோஸ்கோபி முறையில் துளையிட்டே செய்துவிடுகிறார்கள். வயிற்றின் அடிப்பகுதியை கீறி திறந்த நிலையில் அறுவை சிகிச்சை செய்த காலம் எல்லாம் மலையேறிவிட்டது.

குடல்வாலில் ஏன் அழற்சி ஏற்படுகிறது?

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பித்தப்பையை அகற்றினால் என்ன ஆகும்?

கொலிசிஸ்டெக்டமி (Cholecystectomy) என்று சொல்லப்படும் பித்தப்பை அகற்றும் அறுவை சிகிச்சையானது, பித்தப்பையில் கல் இருந்தால் செய்யப்படும் ஒரு அறுவை சிகிச்சை முறை ஆகும். இயல்பாகவே பித்தநீரானது ஈரலால் எந்நேரமும் சுரக்கப்பட்டு, பின் கெட்டியான நீர்ம பதத்தில் பித்தப்பையில் சேகரிக்கப்படுகிறது. பித்தப்பையை அகற்றிவிட்டால் என்ன ஆகும்? உடலின் ஒரு உறுப்பை அகற்றிவிட்டால் பின்னாளில் நிறைய சிக்கல்கள் வரும் என்றே பலரும் நம்புகின்றனர். பித்தப்பையை அகற்றிய பின் நம் வாழ்கை முறை எப்படி மாறுகிறது? வாருங்கள் அலசுவோம்.

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வேகமான உடல் எடை குறைப்பு, பித்தப்பை கல் உருவாக காரணமாக இருக்குமா?

ஊரெல்லாம் பேலியோ பற்றிய பேச்சு தான். சமூக ஊடகங்களின் மூலமாக வேகமாக பரவிய ஒரு டையட் முறை உண்டென்றால் அது பேலியோவாகத்தான் இருக்க முடியும். இந்த டையட் முறையில் அதிகமாக கொழுப்பு எடுத்துக்கொள்ளப்படுகிறது. மாவுச்சத்து மிகவும் குறைந்த அளவே எடுத்துக்கொள்ளப்படுகிறது. உடலில் கொழுப்பு சேமிப்பு என்ற அடிப்படையே இதில் இல்லாது போவதால், வேகமான உடல் எடை குறைப்புக்கு இந்த டையட் முறை உதவுகிறது. இந்த வேகமான உடல் எடை குறைப்புக்கும், பித்தப்பையில் கல் உருவாவதற்கும் என்ன தொடர்பு இருக்க முடியும்?

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Peritonitis due to a ruptured appendix

Peritonitis is the inflammation or infection in the peritoneum. This is a thin layer that covers all the abdominal organs and is an inner lining of the abdomen wall. An inflammation to the peritoneum can be caused mainly when the fluid in the gastro intestinal tract comes in contact with the peritoneum. This can happen due to a ruptured appendix, ulcer perforation, gallbladder infection, intestinal perforations, trauma to the abdomen (accidents where the abdomen suffers from rupture and injuries) . Let us know more.

What actually is Peritonitis?

Simply put, it is the inflammation or infection that affects the peritoneum. Most infections in our body are due to bacteria, virus, fungus and other pathogens that enter the body system. Peritoneal infection is also similar. Because pathogens have entered the peritoneum region, this infection occurs. The infection inflames the abdominal organs. The peritoneum actually functions to contain the infection locally and protects the other organs while the body actually responds and fights the infection to ward off the pathogens.

How Peritonitis can occur?

If the peritoneal tissue is compromised and breached then they get exposed to an array of pathogens. The compromise can occur because of rupturing of appendix, any underlying medical condition, or abdominal injury.

Peritonitis due to a ruptured appendix

An inflamed appendix gives enough warning by the typical pain it manifests. The pain actually will be unbearable if the appendix has reached a point of rupturing. The pain can be felt in the lower right abdomen below the navel region. When all these symptoms are ignored, then the appendix ruptures. A ruptured appendix spills its entire content into the peritoneum. The content of the appendix is generally faeces which we all know is replete with bacteria and other pathogens. The contents may also contain undigested food particle, the corrosive digetsive juices including bile and acid. When this content spills to the peritoneum, infection manifests.

Significant Symptoms of Peritonitis

The patient will look really sick. Abdomen wall which is supposed to be soft to touch becomes a rigid like a cardboard. The abdomen which is supposed to move will remain rigid, severe pain, trachypnea (shallow breathing and so increased breathing). The patient will be still because of the pain that manifests in the abdomen.

When the doctor examines the abdomen they will have severe pain, high grade fever, trachycardia. When the surgeon examines with a stethoscope, there will be absence of any movement inside the abdomen (silent abdomen).

Some of the other common symptoms of peritonitis include nausea, vomiting, dehydration, not enough urine output, etc.

Radiologically (In X-rays) there will be air under the diaphragm. This is because the intestinal air ecaped into the abdomen cavity.

Treatment of Peritonitis due to ruptured appendix

Peritonitis is generally treated as critical. They need to be treated as an emergency procedure. It is infact common to observe many patients voluntarily saying that a ruptured appendix has to be operated in six hours. The abdomen region has to be washed and removed of all the content of the ruptured appendix first. This is done surgically only. In the same surgery, the appendix removal is also done simultaneously. After the surgical procedure is over, the patient is generally given dosage of antibiotics to help the body fight the infection.

Failure to treat Peritonitis

Any delay or failure to treat peritonitis can lead to sepsis. The infection can spread to the blood and thereby the infection begins to reach other organs of the body. As the infection spreads unabated, multiple organ failure (heart, kidney, and brain) is the result. This can be life threatening and can lead to death.

Dr. Maran M’s opinion of ruptured appendix and peritonitis

Dr Maran is of the opinion that most appendicitis condition can be diagnosed by modern methods and only very rarely the patients can ignore all the symptoms. He however cautions that peritonitis occurring due to ruptured appendix still happen due to ignorance and neglect. So Dr Maran advises to take pain in the stomach seriously and consult a good gastro surgeon who can easily diagnose if appendicitis is present.

Piles Surgeons performing piles surgery in India. The piles specialist talk about when to get piles surgery done

Piles Surgery – When to get operated?

The instance of piles or haemorrhoid has shot up in recent years. This is because of change in lifestyle and wrong food habits. People with piles want to get rid of piles. But they are unable to determine the type of piles treatment. Is haemorrhoidectomy or piles surgery suitable for all piles patients? Let us explore.

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Diagram of digestive system used in faecal impaction cause & treament explanaton by Dr Maran M.

Causes of Faecal Impaction

Whenever a large mass of faeces that is hardened gets stuck in the digestive track (specifically colon), then they become very difficult to be pushed out. This is termed as faecal impaction. The factors that primarily contribute to faecal impaction are not so regular bowel movements, age and sometimes other reasons. Let us learn everything about faecal impaction.

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Image showing a ruptured appendix that is removed and that region is cleaned during a appendix surgery in Chennai to prevent infection.

What happens if appendix ruptures?

Some may wonder if an internal organ like appendix can burst. We tend to assume that if there is acute stomach pain, the physician would do physical examination to doubt appendicitis. A diagnosis would lead to finding appendicitis in you. You would get an appendix removal surgery done and remove the appendix. This is what most of you would think. But according to Dr Maran M, a gastro surgeon who regularly performs many appendix surgery in Chennai, it is not an easy sequence of events many times. Let us look at the challenges.

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Life After Gallbladder Removal Surgery | Dr Maran M

Life After Removing the Gallbladder

Cholecystectomy or surgery to remove the gallbladder is performed after finding that you have gallstones in your gallbladder. But how is life after gallbladder removal? Many people are of the opinion that removing an internal organ completely can lead to future problems as they think life is difficult after the removal. How life is after the gallbladder is removed? Let us explore further.

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