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Can Acid Reflux lead to Esophageal Cancer?

When the digestive juices in the stomach wash backwards up, an irritation happens near the chest and it is called heartburn. Most of us get heartburn at some point or the other. The only consolation is most of us do not get them regularly. But for some heartburn can become a regular affair and can lead to GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) more commonly termed as Acid Reflux. Can you get esophageal cancer from acid reflux? The probability is very minimal but it still exists. Let us analyze.

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What are liver stones? Differences between liver stones and gallstones

Though gallstones and liver stones are used interchangeably, the liver stones we are referring here are strictly the stones that are found in the liver and not in the gallbladder. A simple Google search would leave us confused because they are used interchangeably and most liver stones are referred as only gallstones. So what are the differences between liver stones and gallstones?

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A brief on the unusual contents of inguinal hernia

Surgery for Hernia is one of the commonly done surgeries. The hernia sac (of the Inguinal type) usually presents itself with omentum, a layer of peritoneum that surrounds the internal abdominal organs, fat, and parts of small intestine. Sometimes they can also contain other contents that are unusual albeit in a smaller percentage.

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