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positive and negative side effects of gastric by pass surgery

What are the positive and negative side effects of having Gastric Bypass (Roux-En-Y) surgery?

Gastric Bypass (Roux-e-Y) is considered as the gold standard in bariatric surgery. This article gives you a wider perspective on this bariatric surgery type by giving the positive and negative side effects of Gastric bypass surgery.

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Lap band or gastric sleeve or gastric bypass

What is safer the lap band or gastric sleeve surgery or Gastric bypass?

Among the many procedures in bariatric surgery, one is confused which one to choose from. Whether to undertake Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass, or to settle for Lap band surgical procedure. The bariatric surgeon definitely explains the pros and cons of all the three types. Let us examine which is safer and is a better bet.

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diet for ectomorphic and mesomorphic

Prescribed diet for gaining weight between Ectomorphic and mesomorphic

Very rarely you find a person who has a pure ectomorphic (thin build, generally tall, skinny and bony) body or a pure mesomorphic (with medium build and medium muscle) body. Same goes true for Endomorphic (stocky and well built) bodies too. Your body generally shows traits of everything. But you can be generically classified into a combo of any two body type based on the two predominant traits you may show. Being Ecto-mesomorphic is one such combo.

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repair your dna through diet

Is it possible to repair your DNA through diet?

DNA is our blue print, a program that contains all vital information and instructions that actually expedites the process of biological growth, biological repair, for the functioning of our vital organs, fighting pathogens that intrudes our biological system and fighting other non-pathogenic diseases. Damage to DNA speeds up the process of aging and with it comes susceptibility to all kind of infections and diseases.

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Can I fast and pray after sleeve gastrectomy surgery

After Having a Sleeve Gastrectomy can I undergo my religious fasts?

Many religious texts say that religious rituals are to be conducted when you are hale and healthy and your body is under normal health conditions. Fasting is for individuals whose body can tolerate going without food for couple of hours. You have just undergone the gastric sleeve and you are just returning to your normal health. Would you want to risk your health and the success of the surgery at this crucial juncture?

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Is Obesity a disease, a lifestyle or socio-cultural phenomenon?

In the middle of 2013, the American Medical Association decided to classify and treat Obesity henceforth as a disease. That is a clear stand by the medical world. But is there something beyond? Opinions are divided indeed. Why should AMA classify obesity as a disease in the first place?

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Weight Loss Surgery Options?

Weight Loss Surgery Options?

If your BMI is above 35 and have health problems, or your BMI is above 40 with no health problems, bariatric surgery is the only option available for you to reverse your conditions. Your Bariatric Surgeon determines which Bariatric surgery procedure is required for you. Still you might be thinking about the options available before you. They are

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Is it okay to gain weight after Bariatric Surgery?

Is it okay to gain weight after Bariatric Procedure?

In our earlier post we said that explained weight loss after a bariatric procedure, one might lose up to 70% of their excess weight. For some, it may be a little higher at 75%-80% or for some it may be a little lesser at 60%-65% depending on the measures they take like adhering to the nutritional plan handed by the nutritionist and also incorporating exercises in their lifestyle.

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Dr Maran, performing bariatric surgery in Chennai, explains the quantum of weight loss achieved after a bariatric surgery.

How much weight do you lose after a Bariatric Surgical Procedure?

This is the most important question of all times lingering in the mind of an individual who is morbidly obese and is planning to undergo a Bariatric Surgical Procedure. So how much weight does one exactly reduce after undergoing weight loss surgery? “On an average, an individual may lose up to 70% of his excess weight”, says Dr Maran who does many types of weight loss surgeries in Chennai.

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